Diana's Bow Moon Phase in Pisces for January 27th, 2020--Going Inward and Flowing With It!

Welcome to the new column for the Diana's Bow Moon Phase!

You will be able to see this Moon if the sky is clear--in the western sky a few hours before sunset and it will remain there for a few hours after the Sun goes down. (These hours will shift a bit and the sky will be darker much earlier during the winter months.) The Moon will appear as a crescent with the open end facing left--so the right side of the moon will be illuminated. Sometimes one will also be able to see the dark portion or dark side of the moon, appearing almost shadow-like and depending on the light in the sky.

This forecast is for everyone, not just Pisces. It is also important to know where Pisces is on your Astrological Chart and what House the Moon and the planet Neptune are in. It will take introspection to determine how this phase is unique to YOU.

This weekend, be sure to check out the southern skies to see the constellation of Orion and use it to direct your vision to the brightest star in the sky, Sirius, the Dog Star. On January 26th, 2020, in the evening at sunset you will see the waxing crescent of the Moon and Neptune and Venus nearby. Check out the sky map HERE. Relationships can be very emotional at this time.

(For info on Astrology Charts and other services--CLICK HERE!)

The Moon will go into the New Moon (Dark Moon) phase in the air sign of Aquarius on Friday, January 24th, 2020 at 08:20 AM EST. Then the Moon will go to a void of course Moon from Saturday, January 25th at 2:06 PM EST and will remain void until Sunday, January 26th at 6:44 PM EST. The Moon will enter the water sign of Pisces at at that moment. The entire time the Moon is in the sign of Pisces will be the Diana's Bow Moon Phase. This aspect will last until Tuesday, January 28th at 8:08 PM EST when the Moon goes void of course again. 

(CLICK HERE for the Time Zone Conversion so you can get the exact time for you and any magical work you are doing.) You can also see the upcoming 2020 Moon Phases ephemeris HERE.

Pisces is our inner world, the part of us that we don't show to others. This is the dreamy, poetic sign of the Zodiac and is exalted when combined with lunar energies. Pisceans harmonize well with other water signs, Cancer and Scorpio and the earth signs, too. Seeing things esoterically and a good keeper of secrets, their inner world reigns supreme and the sign is ruled by Neptune and the Moon. The glyph for Neptune looks  like the trident Neptune parts the waves with. This House on an astrological chart is the 12th, the house of the Unconscious and institutions--jails, prisons, hospitals, healing facilities. It is no surprise that this sign is associated with altered states, i.e., drugs, alcohol, meditation, dreams, visions. This sign is also associated with mutability and being able to flow through different situations and hang with diverse people.

Pisces personalities are warm and empathetic. Emotions are important to them. Like the other water signs, they can be mystical, imaginative and sensitive. Pisceans are old souls and make great counselors because they literally FEEL what other people are going through. Whatever the story is-- is always important to them; poetry that evokes emotions, fantasy, dreamy imagery in movies or books captivates them and holds their interest. Neptune is the Roman God (Poseidon, Greek) that represents the waters and in the western hemisphere, the Goddess Yemaya is portrayed by dancing waves and She is the Mother of All. (Join the Facebook Group HERE.)

INTENTION SETTING: Work your magick about your inner life--go deep, your spirituality, your dark side and those feelings you keep private. Set your goals for the future in the realm of self help and self improvement. What can you do for more alone time to sort out your thoughts? Journaling, poetry, writing down the feels that way are especially effective or a yoga class that unites body and mind--all helpful! Find out what House in your personal Astrological Chart is ruled by Pisces and where your natal Neptune and Moon are--these placements are what these energies will affect. And if you don't know all that yet, still take the time to utilize these energies!

So set your intentions, claim your power, aim and let your arrow fly!

--and how you can make these energies work for you--CLICK HERE!

February 26th, 2020

COPYRIGHT©™ 2019--2020 BY ARIA SPARROWSONG and Tarot and Stars.


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