Full Moon in Leo on 2/9/20! Hot Energies to Keep Us Warm Until Spring

Leo is the sign associated with the fun, rhymes with the Sun, being the center of attention and fiery temperaments. And just like cats, independent, fierce and cuddly, but the latter only when they want to be. In my experience with Leos...a brother and a niece that are both Leo, there are quiet ones that give off a latent and quiet power and then there are others that are the life of the party! On a natal chart the Fifth House ruled by Leo is at the 5PM position and close to the sunset...amazing how these Leos look so stunning in these same colors. It is no surprise that some of these exuberant type of Leos are the best and most world renowned entertainers and stars--they command those celebrity energies! Leo is one of the four fixed signs and it's energies flesh things out in a very focused way! 

Leos will always find a way to have fun or turn a situation around to make it so! This upcoming Full Moon in Leo will peak on Sunday morning on February 9th at 2:33 AM ET and this timing will be very significant for doing magick and/or rituals concerning family and especially children, fun, vacations, those hobbies or past times that give you bliss and frame your personal power. This is definitely about the Solar Plexus chakra--so if you are feeling drained, a special meditation for this is definitely synched with these cosmic energies. In a personal natal chart, these are Fifth House energies--take a quick trip, have a family game night or go to a casino or out to see a show, concert or play to rejuvenate yourself and those around you.

Mercury will be retrograde from February 16th to March 9th, so get ready! We are in the "shadow period" for about two weeks both before and after those dates.

How will all of this affect YOU? Find out which house in your natal chart is ruled by Leo, what personal planets you have in that sign and the house where your natal Sun resides.

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Five of the best Astrological articles for your web-surfing...lots of info here, so share!


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