Full Moon in Pisces on September 1st & 2nd, 2020--Ready to FEEL those feels?

Credit: Behance

This week's Corn Moon is also the Full Moon in Pisces--get ready to capture your inner feelings and harness your intuition. This is the last Full Moon before we mark the start of the dark time of the year at Mabon later this month. This is the finish of the First Harvest that began at Lughnasadh / Lammas at the beginning of August. This is also the coming together of Earth and planting the season's food to prepare for winter and the Watery nature of the sign of Pisces...two intertwined elements in more ways than one. Always think of enhancing and nourishing GROWTH.

The Full Moon peaks on September 2nd, 2020 at 1:23AM EST (adjust for your timezone HERE). Your magickal work should be done before this time for auspicious results as the Moon will still be waxing. Being by water for this Full Moon will be a special plus! A little bit of wine to promote deep sleep and vivid dreaming will be beneficial.

One of the coolest things to do at this time of year is to create a Three Sisters Garden. This is a perfect example of comparative planting using corn, beans and squash. This planting method was used by the indigenous people of the Northeast and Canada...and the Southwest tribes as well. Here are some how-to instructions--a Three Sisters Garden makes an excellent school project also! 
(Click HERE).

Credit: Unknown

As always, I have linked some very cool articles about this week's Full Moon for you to check out, read, research and share.


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Aria Sparrowsong at TarotandStars@gmail.com
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