New Moon in Virgo on September 17th, 2020--Service to Others, Preparing for the Dark Time


So what have you left undone? What needs to get done now? Projects put on the back burners need to be brought up to the front and need to be carried through to completion. No more procrastinating! Time to finish these tasks and tie up any loose ends. And be sure to ground! Mars went retrograde on September 9th and will stay there until November. Work with your past so you can properly apply strategies for your future.

The New Moon will peak in the sign of Virgo on Wednesday, September 17th at 7AM EST. Magickal work will be auspicious when done right before that time or the night before. 

We are preparing for Mabon/Fall Equinox in under a week, the day of equal light and dark and then plunging headlong into the last part of the Harvest season and the Dark Time. 

Mabon/Fall Equinox will be next Tuesday, September 22nd. This day usually includes a sumptuous feast with the red new wine. Decorate your altars with cornucopias of fresh fruit, corn, wheat, bread and berries. I am totally convinced that this was the original Thanksgiving (colonists that came to America were already celebrating this day as the second Harvest but the indigenous people had this feast a little later in the year).

Starting this Mabon/Fall Equinox, I will be publishing a quarterly astrological forecast. So expect that to be posted here on this site whenever the seasons change as we go forward.

As always, I am including some articles about this New Moon for you to read, research or share.

Art by Lori Menna (@cosmiccollage)


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