New Moon in Taurus, Black Moon and a Partial Solar Eclipse on 4/30/22, Beltaine and the Upcoming Mother's Day
Psychic Services using Tarot, Astrology, Lenormand, Oracles, Rune Magick, Crystals, Ceremonies, Spellwork, Healing! Readings & Consultations in person in Tampa Bay and metro. Also global via phone or online. Available for Classes, Private Appointments, Groups, Parties, Festivals, Special Events & Life Passages. Aria has been reading Tarot and Astrology Charts for over 50 years! You can find me @Royal Suzie at 4228 N. Florida Ave in Tampa. Appointments recommended. TEXT: 813.312.2292
For legal purposes, spiritual consultations and intuitive readings are for entertainment purposes only. Consultations are given in sacred space and with the utmost in privacy and confidentiality. Clients/querents must be over 18 years of age or have a parent or legal guardian present. If they are an emancipated minor, they must present their documentation. Readings and consultations are not meant to substitute or supersede counseling with a licensed mental, social or health care professional. Tarot and Stars is not responsible for any liability regarding consultations and readings as we do not direct the client/querent to specific actions but give them choices and possibilities.